Picnic Rug
Picnic Rug
Picnic Rug

Picnic Rug

177.27 AUD
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This Wandering Folk Flora Plum Rug is made from 100% cotton canvas with their signature waterproof base and tassels, they have magnified the delicate intricacies of their hand-drawn design to create an impression of magnificence and opulence. The colour palette revolves around the rich plum fruit - an exquisite blend of deep, warm purple with subtle hints of red.

- Spot clean with cold water

- Do not submerge or soak

- We do not recommend machine washing

- Do not leave in direct sunlight

- Prior to storing, ensure it is completely dry

- This cotton fabrication will naturally fade with use over time

Dimensions: 164cm x 147cm

Weight: 1.9kg

Styled on Insta